Friday, November 29, 2019
Who Was To Blame For The Cold War Essay Example For Students
Who Was To Blame For The Cold War? Essay Who Was To Blame For The Cold War?The blame for the Cold War cannot be placed on one person itdeveloped as a series of chain reactions as a struggle for supremacy. It can beargued that the Cold War was inevitable, and therefore no ones fault, due tothe differences in the capitalist and communist ideologies. It was only theneed for self-preservation that had caused the two countries to sink theirdifferences temporarily during the Second World War. Yet many of the tensionsthat existed in the Cold War can be attributed to Stalins policy of Sovietexpansion. It is necessary, therefore, to examine the role of Stalin as acatalyst to the Cold War. We will write a custom essay on Who Was To Blame For The Cold War? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Stalins foreign policies contributed an enormous amount to the tensionsof the Cold War. His aim, to take advantage of the military situation in post-war Europe to strengthen Russian influence, was perceived to be a threat to theAmericans. Stalin was highly effective in his goal to gain territory, withvictories in Poland, Romania, and Finland. To the western world, this successlooked as if it were the beginning of serious Russian aggressions. The westernview of the time saw Stalin as doing one of two things: either continuing theexpansionist policies of the tsars that preceded him, or worse, spreadingcommunism across the world now that his one-state notion had been fulfilled. It also must be mentioned that Stalin is seen as wanting unchalleged personalpower and a rebuilt Russia strong enough to withstand caplitalistencirclement.1Admittedly, the first view of Stalin, as an imperialist leader, may beskewed. The Russians claim, and have always claimed, that Stalins motives werepurely defensive. Stalins wished to create a buffer zone of Communist statesaround him to protect Soviet Russia from the capitalist West. In this sense,his moves were not aggressive at all they were truly defensive moves toprotect the Soviet system. His suspicions of Western hostility were notunfounded: the British and U.S. intervention in the Russian Civil War (1918-1920) were still fresh in Stalins memory when he took power. Furthermore,Stalin was bitter because he was not informed of U.S. nuclear capabilities untilshortly before the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Compounding tensionswas the fact that Stalins request that Russia be allowed to participate in theoccupation of J apan was denied, even though Russia had declared war on Japan on8th August (the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on 10th August) and had beenresponsible for annexing south Sakhalin as agreed to at Yalta. This failure tobe included in the Western worlds politics created an even deeper rift betweenthe two superpowers. Clashes between Stalin and the West first appear at the Yalta andPotsdam Conferences in February and July 1946, respectively. Though the mood atYalta was more or less cooperative, Stalin agitated matters by demanding thatall German territory east of the Rivers Oder and Neisse be given to Poland (andthus remain under Soviet influence). Both Roosevelt and Churchill refused toagree to these demands. The Soviet Union responded bluntly, saying ..theSoviet Government cannot agree to the existence in Poland of a Governmenthostile to it.2 The atmosphere at the Potsdam Conference was noticeably cooler,with Truman replacing Roosevelt as the representative from the United States. Trumanhad been kept in complete ignorance by Roosevelt about foreign policy,3 which meant that Truman was not aware of the secret assurances of securityRoosevelt had made to Stalin. His policy towards Soviet Russia, then, was muchmore severe than that of Roosevelt. He was quoted as saying We must stand upto the Russian sWe have been too easy with them.4 Both Truman and Churchillwere annoyed because Germany east of the Rivers Oder and Neisse were beingoccupied by Russian troops and were being run by the pro-communist Polishgovernment, who expelled over five million Germans. This went directly againstthe agreements made at Yalta earlier in the year. The west viewed this as anact of aggression on the part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union respondedwith a statement saying Poland broders with the Soviet Union, what sic cannotbe said of Great Britain or the United States.5From this point, the Cold War truly becomes a chain reaction. In Marchof 1946, Churchill presented his Iron Curtain speech at Fulton, Missouri, inresponse to the spread of communism in eastern Europe. He called for a westernalliance to combat the threat. Stalins response was hostile: rather thantrying to negotiate a peaceful settlement, Stalin continued to tighten his gripon eastern Europe. Communist governments were installed in e very area ofeastern Europe (barring Czechoslovakia) by the end of 1947. These governmentswere implemented by guerrilla tactics: elections were rigged, non-communistmembers of the governments were expelled, with many being arrested or executed,and eventually, Stalin dissolved all non-communist political parties. Stalinbegan to implement a reign of terror using the Russian Army and his secretpolice force. Moreover, Stalin had increased his influence in the Russian zoneof Germany as if it belonged to Russia. He allowed only the communist party anddrained the area of its vital resources. .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c , .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c .postImageUrl , .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c , .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c:hover , .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c:visited , .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c:active { border:0!important; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c:active , .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u26211247e194874fbe7191746a67941c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: You Belong To Me EssayThe West reacted. It appeared to them that Russias attitude wentagainst all of the promises that Stalin had made at Yalta namely, that Stalinwould permit free elections in the eastern European states. Russia argued thatit needed to maintain a sphere of influence in the area for security reasons: tothis, even Churchill agreed in 1944. Further, Russia argued that the areas hadnever had democratic governments, and that a communist system would allow these backward countries to progress and flourish. Stalins policy of expansionworried the West: in response, the West introduced the Truman Doctrine and theMarshall Plan, both of which sought to arrest the s pread of communism. Stalins aggressive tactics did not end with creating a sphere ofinfluence. Stalin re-established Cominform in September 1947. Cominformrepresented a union of all of the communist states within Europe, includingrepresentatives from the French and Italian communist parties. Even within thiscommunist structure, Stalin had to exert his influence. It was not enough for astate to be merely communist: it had to adopt the Russian-style communism. Furthermore, the states within Cominform were expected to keep trade within theCominform member states, and were discouraged from making any contact with theWestern world. Russia strengthened the ties with the Cominform countriesthrough the Molotov plan, which offered Russian aid to the satellite states, andthe establishment of Comecon, which served to coordinate the economic policiesof the communist states. These actions on the part of Stalin only increased therift between the capitalist and the communist systems, and made futurecompromise and negotiations more difficult. Perhaps the most aggressive move that Stalin made, however, was thetakeover of Czechoslovakia in February 1948. Several key issues arose in thisconflict. First, the U.S. felt alienated when Czechoslovakia rejected MarshallAid, which the U.S. blamed on the influence of the communist party. Second, thePrime Minister of Czechoslovakia was a communist, the President and ForeignMinister were not. Finally, the fact that the communists took power inCzechoslovakia by means of an armed coup sent waves of fear through the westernworld, causing the iron curtain to fall even further. The U.N. had its handstied, because there were free elections (the candidates were all communist)and there was no proof of Russian involvement. While it cannot be proved thatStalin ordered the coup, the signals were clear: Stalin had likely encouragedthe coup, and it was not coincidental that Russian troops in Austria were movedup to the Czech border. Czechoslovakia was the final east-west bridge, and withthe fall o f it, the iron curtain was complete. The final hostile movement of Stalin of importance was the Berlinblockade and airlift. When Russia grew dissatisfied with the economic disparitythat had developed in Berlin, it responded by closing all road, rail and canallinks between West Berlin and West German. The goal was to force western powersfrom West Berlin by reducing it to the starvation point. While the blame for the Cold War cannot be placed on a single man,Stalins expansionist policy was clearly an ever-present catalyst in the war. Certain Truman was not blameless, but the U.S. was not expanding its empire the Soviet Union was. Whether the expansion was for self-preservation, orwhether it was merely imperialistic expansion, is relatively immaterial. WhatStalins actions unarguably did was start a string of chain-reactions within thewestern powers, and therefore, a good deal of the blame must rest with him. BibliographyAronsen, Lawrence Martin Kitchen, The Origins of the Cold War in ComparativePerspective: American, British and Canadian Relations with the Soviet Union1941-1948. London: MacMillan Press, 1988. .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc , .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc .postImageUrl , .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc , .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc:hover , .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc:visited , .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc:active { border:0!important; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc:active , .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u66c1af58943a7a6685b7cdfbe8b337dc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Philippine Typhoons EssayDavis, Lynn E. The Cold War Begins: Soviet-American Conflict over EasternEurope. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1974. Dockrill, Michael. The Cold War: 1945-1963. London: MacMillan Education Ltd.,1988. Halle, Louis J. The Cold War as History. London: Chatto Windus, 1971. Jonsson, Christer. Superpower: Comparing American and Soviet Foreign Policy. London: Frances Pinter Publishers, 1984. LaFeber, Walter. America, Russia, and the Cold War 1945-1990, 6th ed.. NewYork: McGraw Hill, Inc., 1991. Maier, Charles S., ed. The Origins of the Cold War and Contemporary Europe. NewYork: New Viewpoints, 1978. McCauley, Martin. The Origins of the Cold War. Essex: Longman Group Ltd., 1983. . Smith, Joseph. The Cold War, 1945-1965. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, Ltd., 1989. History
Monday, November 25, 2019
Neck and kiss Essays
Neck and kiss Essays Neck and kiss Essay Neck and kiss Essay Petrucio talks to Babtista about how Kate has won him over. She hung about my neck and kiss on kiss. Kat is waiting for Petrucio and is kept waiting. Kat feels rejected and feels worse even though she is used to feeling rejected and unimportant and the fact she is angry. This shows how the wooing is working and Kat has allowed herself to ruin her message of being strong against Petrucio and she therefore feels humiliated. 21st Century audiences feel sorry for her and are angry towards Petrucio although a 16th Century audience feel she is getting what she deserves. Its hard to tell whether the fact that if she is humiliated or the fact she loves Petrucio and he has hurt her. The gut feeling is though that she loves him. This is an act of control by Petrucio and the torturing her mentally is a part of the act of taming her. No one will speak to Kat, as she is unopinionated and submissive. Kat is fed up and lonely, she wants to marry and conform as this will mean she has more chance of being accepted in society. Petrucio hits the vicar to show off by being rude. He wants to go immediately. Petrucios very odd behavior is allowed and gets away with it. Although Kat has done nothing wrong her behavior is seen just as bad as his. A 16th Century would have accepted this although a 21st Century would have found this ludicrous and totally unacceptable. Petrucio is allowed to speak his mind and hit people, which she is not. This is another act of Petrucios power. In Act Four Petrucio shows his power again by the treatment of his services. He mistreats the servants as an example to Kat. He shows his power and control by using physical actions. This is because as its a play and it needs audiences reactions. He mentally tortures her and physically now he verbally tortures her to make the taming complete and to make her crack. In Act four Shakespeare uses animal imagery. Petrucio says, My falcon now is hang and passing employ. A falcon is a predator and wild. If they are well trained it reflects well on their falconer (tamer) this animal imagery of Kat describes her very well and how if she is well trained it reflects well on Petrucio. Petrucio gives trust and loyalty a reward. He looks for the respect and when Kat is good he gives her freedom. He takes things away from her, which she needs to survive. Kat gives a large speech and begs to Grumio for something to eat. She doesnt want to walk out and cant give in. She has strong stamina and inner strength. Kat wants to conform and wants to be like other women. Petrucio doesnt let her do it because he doesnt see her tamed. This is shown when he says, When you are gentle, you shall have one too . Petrucio takes Kat to his mothers house to conform. Petrucio is trying to make her something in time and because of the treatment she has received she gives in. Kat though pretends and plays the game to get her own way. You can tell this by her sarcastic over the top language she uses. Kat is seen as strong as it took long tom tame her, which appeals to the female audience. The big question though is if she is silenced or has she transformed, but for her to be transformed this would be too hard a possibility but there is no real answer. The audience therefore has to make their own mind up. Kat uses hyperbolic language as she has been with Petrucio for a long time and she sounds like him because he uses hyperbolic language. Katerinha also lectures Bianca and the widow saying they should give in to their men. At the end of play Kat gives an exaggerated speech, which is in verse as it is more formal. She states how women need to obey men and women are weak and feeble towards men. She speaks ironically similar to sarcasm. A 21st Century audience thinks she is playing the game and she has learnt to do so, so she can get what she wants. She has been accepted which is more than being independent to her. Also being accepted means she not only gets the basics but luxuries as well. She has lossed her old self and her aggression. She also now uses much better language in her speech. Her controlled speech shows her control over herself and her controlled developed manner.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discuss the view that the importance of technology for organisations Essay
Discuss the view that the importance of technology for organisations lies not so much in the technology itself as the ability to - Essay Example A distinguished characteristic of these opportunities is the fact that they are temporary that is, the organization that discovers them needs to exploit the technological opportunity swiftly before it gets to the organization’s competitors (Andersen, 2011: p54). They also need to do this because the opportunity could be quickly replaced by a technology that is more advanced. The organization, therefore, must hurry before the opportunity window ends. Research has shown that organizations, which come up with technological discoveries, in most cases, do not have the resources required to exploit them quickly. In this case, the organization is encouraged to collaborate as an efficient means of accessing complementary or additional information that could help speed up the exploitation process. The importance of exploiting these opportunities as fast as possible as opposed to simply being in their possession cannot be overemphasized. The importance of technological opportunities lie s in the ability to exploit it rather than the technology itself. Collaboration in Exploitation of Technological Opportunities Beginning in the mid 70s, the biotechnological industry has seen tremendous growth with increased innovations and new technologies. Several hundred firms with intensive Research and Development programs have entered the industry in the last forty or so years. Pharmaceutical companies have also been highly involved in the pursuit of biotechnological opportunities, for instance, through entering into collaborations on biotechnological advances with the new organizations. These collaborations are meant to exploit the opportunities in biotechnology that were discovered previously by the new biotechnological organizations (Archibugi & Michie, 2012: p34). An interesting feature in the exploitation of these collaborations is that their set up is widely varied in whether these opportunities are utilized at all and at what stage their utilization takes place, if at a ll. The timing of collaboration to exploit the biotechnological opportunity between the discoverer and the pharmaceutical firm is vital. Studies have shown that new biotechnological organizations vary in when they time their collaborations to exploit their opportunities when compared to pharmaceutical firms (Antonelli, 2010: p21). Biotechnological organizations that have rigid research and development programs that apply for patents in their projects or that possess earlier experience in research and development, exploit their opportunities sooner through collaboration. Collaboration is also accelerated by the establishment of industry infrastructure, for instance, national biotechnological centers, as well as increased protection of intellectual property. It was found that the project’s characteristics do not have a profound effect on the collaboration’s timing. While many biotechnological opportunities were initially focused on the phase of discovery, the exploitatio n phase has become more important as new technologies are discovered that replace previous ones (European Commission, 2010: p149). Identification of opportunity is now viewed as only being necessary, but not adequate for the actual technological exploitation. Because most of the start-up biotechnological firms do not have the required capital to exploit these opportunities, it is vital that they collaborate, with larger organizations, to make the most out of the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Assignment 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Assignment 4 - Essay Example The paper at the end also evaluates the most likely negative outcomes and risks associated with the proposed idea, the product and the consumer behavior. The paper ends with a concluding statement on the topic and recommendations for e-commerce business entrepreneurs. The Innovative E-Commerce Business Idea The Novel Idea: The innovative business idea is concerned with online selling of public safety oriented electronic device that could sense the presence of a wild species in a residential locality, and develops an image of these on trespassing the wildlife vicinity and entering the human neighborhood. VigiCam: The product uses sensors, camera device, and GPS systems for identification and positioning of wild species in suburban localities. The product uses telecom network services for its operation and quick indication of species in nearby neighborhood. The product is connected with a user’s cell phone and the landline of the nearest rescue or wildlife organization. The prod uct owned by the customer has an in built two way alert system, the customer feeds his number and the locality’s corresponding rescue team’s number. ... m: The public safety issues associated with wildlife trespassing human neighborhood can be addressed in a quick, efficient and adept manner; ensuring both public and wildlife safety. The Nature and Purpose of VigiCam Business Purpose of the Business: The purpose of VigiCam product business is that there is an acute demand for products across the world that could ensure human safety against wildlife attack or encroachment into public property or neighborhood. Wildlife and human encounters often result in adverse safety situations where children, public property, or even wildlife itself exposed to life and health risks. This product ensures safety of wildlife as well as humans by limiting the interactions between the unprofessional friendly human beings and the wild beings. Need Behind VigiCam E-Business: Issues associated with wildlife exposure to human beings have aroused in many countries across the world like Australia, USA, Canada, India, Russia etc. in these countries people are confronted with a diverse wild set of beings that are often violent and ferocious, which can potentially harm humans’ property and put questions before human safety. In many parts of the world the public itself give wildlife the room to explore human vicinity in search of food; by placing food garbage which offers most appeal for animals. Consequently, these animals hunt after food and often react in case of suppressing of their access to food items. In other cases, the wild animals’ free access to human neighborhood is even unhealthy for both animals and human beings, as this often account for dispersion of diseases amongst both species. As a result, initiatives should be taken by the public, the business community and the security agencies run under private or government control to
Monday, November 18, 2019
Home Delivery Service Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Home Delivery Service - Case Study Example Home delivery is a marketing weapon by which the products are made available at the door steps of customers. The most important attraction of this system is that the customers need not shop at the outlets; instead products are made available at customers' home at their convenient time. With this background, the present study aims to measure the satisfaction level of the customers of Hong Kong Electrical Appliances with special reference to home delivery. The study aims to explore how successful the home delivery service wing of the organization. Customer satisfaction perhaps is one of the most sought after area of research since time immemorial. The present literature review covers the studies undertaken in the various service businesses. In the word of S.S. Andaleeb, satisfied customers is the outcome of communication, competence and demeanor cost, facilities, among hospital customers in Pennsylvania (Andaleeb 1998). Another significant study observes that the core service quality and perceived value were the most important drivers of customer satisfaction (McDougall and Levesque 2000). However, F. Olorunniwo and Hsu M. K. were of the conclusion that responsiveness, tangibility, reliability, knowledge and accessibility determine service quality and satisfaction (Olorunniwo 2006). ... There are two states among the customers on a product or service after its use/consumption. Some of the customers are satisfied and the rest is dissatisfied. For the purpose of this study, the variables considered for measuring customer satisfaction on home delivery include the following: Availability of Products at convenient times of end users (Nguyen et al., 2007; and Abubakar et al., 2001); Range of Products for selection (Nguyen et al., 2007; and Abubakar et al., 2001) Products are of good quality (Spiller et al., 2006; and Abubakar et al., 2001); Reasonable Price (Spiller et al., 2006; and Abubakar et al., 2001); Helping Marketing Team (Parasuraman et al., 1988; Nguyen et al., 2007; and Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt, 2000); Pleasing Marketing Team (Parasuraman et al., 1988; and Wong and Sohal, 2003); and Flexibility in mode of Payment (Wong and Sohal, 2003) Objectives of the Study The ultimate objective the study is to measure the satisfaction level of the customers on the home delivery service of Hong Kong Electrical Appliances and thereby understand how successful the firm is in home delivery service. Specifically, the following objectives are set by the organization: To understand whether the customers are satisfied with home delivery service; To identify what are the defects of the present home delivery service; To explore the present problems of the home delivery service wing; To improve the service quality of the wing Research Methodology The overall typology of the present study is exploratory one as it seeks to establish relationship among the variables stated above. The study takes a quantitative approach wherein data relating to customer satisfaction are analyzed using quantitative methods. Moreover, it takes a survey approach in which
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Bumper Stickers to Express Views
Bumper Stickers to Express Views Sticking It to Bumper Stickers Think for a second about how social media has changed the way people interact with one another; websites like Facebook and Twitter have provided a highway of free expression. People can express their views openly and confidently without much concern about what someone with an opposing view might think. As a result, said websites are teeming with opinions. Sure, there are some benefits to having means to express ones values freely and openly, however this becomes problematic when the act of expression closes off the possibility for conversation. When people are flooded with personal opinions, as seen on the likes of Facebook and Twitter, there is no conversation or even a healthy debate. There is only opinion. This phenomenon is not limited, nor began, with social media. Yet, there is another medium for the use of language to convey peoples values and identities: the bumper sticker. As much as social media plays a central role in the lives of many Americans, the bumper sticker has become a vehicle for strong public expression. Almost nowhere else in this society can people show their feelings to such a large audience with so little effort. Partisan politics may have once been the basis of bumper sticker content, especially after World War II and at the height of the Cold War when propaganda was so pertinent. Yet nowadays, just a quick glance at parked cars shows that a broad range of themes exist (Newbagen). Whether it be advice on driving etiquette Brighten my day, get off the road existential commentary A bad day at the beach beats a good day at the office or comments about U.S. foreign policy -, bumper stickers provide a window into a persons political, philosophical, and socioeconomic ideologies. Bumper stickers themselves are not problematic for society. However, similar to social media, bumper stickers dont elicit conversation and instead spark controv ersy, society grows more and more divided. Expressing opinions publicly has become a gauntlet of disaster. Societys problem with public display of opinion is growing because bumper stickers spark controversy and contribute to an argumentative environment. Since the definition of success in this environment is based on one-upmanship and/or criticism, the path to bringing people back together starts with using value in oneself as a means of expression rather than expressing ones values. The controversy created by bumper stickers is rooted in the philosophy behind bumper stickers. First, the motivation behind using bumper stickers must be uncovered. People are always trying to make their beliefs and values known. Somehow, by projecting ones beliefs and values to the outside world an identity crisis is averted. A person needs the world to know what he stands for in order to reach a self-understanding. Bumper stickers allow for this expression. Have a kid on the honor roll? Great! Put on that bumper sticker and tell the world. Fan of sports team X? Perfect! Theres a bumper sticker for that. Voting Democrat in the next election? Might as well use the back of the car to show exactly that. These stickers represent a unique paradox. On the one hand, they are distinctly personal, attached to the owners car for friends to see. On the other hand, they are anonymous. The vast majority of readers are unknown to the bearer of the sticker. This allows for the expression of highly personal opinions about strongly held views to a large audience without any commitment to interact with them. This combination of personal statement and anonymity provides the opportunity for the expression of public emotion not usually available to ordinary people in their daily routine, ultimately giving way to create controversy. Yes, bumper stickers are short, catchy, and seemingly harmless, but because of their nature they contribute to a growing problem in society. This can be seen through the concept known as bumper sticker philosophy, (Haussmen). Basically, the bumper sticker philosophy is that because bumper stickers are such short messages, it is impossible to fit an entire philosophy or ideology on the back of your car. It is simply not possible to tell the entire story. The ideology shown is only superficial. Going along this line of reasoning, this allows bumper stickers to oversimplify social issues. People see them in a hurry and theres no time to digest the argument . Bumper stickers dont bring forth conversation, but rather end the conversation with a cursory position on any given issue. This controversy has created a hostile, argumentative environment which is dividing society more and more. Because the ideology shown on a bumper sticker is superficial, the reaction to seeing a bumper sticker is most likely also superficial. After all, how can an onlooker derive an entire ideology or philosophy from such a short message. The reactions are knee-jerk, pure gut instinct. Take for example a story from Denise Grier. Her son was threatened jail time for not removing a bumper sticker that read Bush sucks. Dick Cheney too (Haynsworth). Clearly, Griers son was expressing his political beliefs and the police had an alternative opinion. There is nothing wrong or problematic with having different viewpoints, especially when it comes to politics. There was no conflict until the bumper sticker evoked a knee-jerk reaction. Because there was only a bumper sticker and a reaction, and no discussion, a conflict was created. People display bumper stickers to either connect to a communi ty or to argue against one, but because there isnt a complete ideology which causes an instinctive violent, judgmental reaction, a connection cant be formed and society slips farther apart. There are, however, benefits to having an argumentative environment; one that fosters conversation and debate. Society needs opposing viewpoints in order to progress. The world was flat until someone questioned it. Furthermore, there is a connection between expression and identity. Hilde Lindemann, in her book Holding and Letting Go: The Social Practice of Personal Identities, articulates, To have livedas a person is to have taken my proper place in the social world that lets us make selves of each other, (159). Lindemann here identifies why being an individual with personal beliefs matters morally, why it deserves closer philosophical attention, and also why it is so dependent on the many interpersonal practices of empathetic recognition through which people can see each other as their own person. Individuality and personhood are not qualities that one can seek and find within a particular human specimen. Instead, personhood is something people reify through actions, attitudes, and attunements toward others. Both socially and morally, people judge others and hold them in certain lights. Identities are maintained through stories about what matters most to a given person; his loves, hates, commitments, and so on. The moral personhood of individuals is then very different from the one envisioned by supporters of the view that personhood is just a collection of qualities or attributes that add up to something more than the sum of their parts; or, as a designation that does not refer to much of anything in particular, other than a desire for moral, social, and political recognition. Lindemann suggests that missing the background conditions of how people become persons is precisely where philosophy has taken a wrong turn. In a non-trivial way, what and who people are is not constituted solely by a collection of reasoned positions or endorsed choices, but by moral communities that work to create, or to undo, themselves and their individual members. Lindemann describe s the personal identity of individuals, To describe a moral practice we engage in constantly, but that has not received much recognition as a moral practice: it is the practice of initiating human beings into personhood and then holding them there, (ix). Lindemann is asserting that the acts of conversing and listening is fundamentally moral work that has the capacity to create the objects of its practices; but perhaps more relevant, also has the power to destroy. The need to criticize or out-preform someone diminishes personal beliefs and values, however people need personal beliefs. Control over the ideas, symbols, and meanings within society are central to the control of society itself. In a scientific study, Charles Case notes, The ruling ideas of each age have been the ideas of its ruling class. This classical analysis of the role of ideology in the struggle for domination over society has evolved into the more recent concept of hegemony. Hegemony theory asserts that the ruling elite control all institutions which disseminate ideas and values. Schools, churches, youth organization, the mass media, among others, all produce false consciousness to facilitate the maintenance of political and economic control by the ruling elite. Attempts are often made to limit or eliminate means for self expression. These attempts are typically met with creative innovations and use of non-conventional vehicles for communication. Jail inmates, for example, w ho are stripped of most normal roles, statues, and means for interaction make heavy an effective use of tattoos to display affiliations, personal uniqueness, perspectives, and philosophies. Modern urban society is characterized by interactions among anonymous strangers and communications received through mass media sources. Within this environment, very few opportunities exist for individuals to contribute to the cultural store of ideas, symbols, and perspectives. This perspective of symbolic interaction describes how the display of symbols and relationships create social and self identity. Through the acquisition and demonstration of desirable roles, values, and qualities, individuals seek to create and maintain an esteemed and acceptable self. Those whose abilities to define themselves are impaired by a predefinition imposed by society and are described as stigmatized. However, as seen in prison tattoos, public personal expression can also be used as a unifying power. The unifying factor of personal beliefs lie in both the motivation behind and in the act of expression. In the modern age of mass communication and urban life, the means and methods available to influence the discourse of ideology and symbols have proliferated. Prison tattoos, underground newspapers, pirate radio stations, and graffiti are examples of opportunities for common citizens to affect their cultural environment. The perspectives of conflict and symbolic interaction suggest that people have a need or desire to communicate symbolic messages to the persons who share the same social environment. The history of human cultural development is intimately tied to the accumulated development of symbols, meanings, and ways to share these symbolic meanings among a growing range of sources and recipients. Therefore, the possibility exists that people use these symbols, such as bumper stickers, to progress society. However, within modern urban environments, most of the symbolic meanings encountered by individuals come from commercial mass-mediated sources (Case). This means face-to-face sources of interactions and ideas such as schools and churches allow relatively little opportunity for individuals to offer their unique perspectives. People are not really expressing their own beliefs, but rather beliefs from a marketplace. The bumper sticker is, after all, a product that is bought and sold. Bumper stickers show the influence of marketing language, with its colloquial, pseudo-informality. Public expression of opinions is thus part of the shifting relationship between culture and commerce that puts the consumer in a seemingly new position. This is where change can occur. Its not possible to find ones own personhood when one is buying his values and beliefs from a marketplace. The conundrum is that people find their identity by expressing their values and their beliefs; however, the values and beliefs that people are currently expressing are not coming from themselves. How does that make sense? How can someone realistically make their own identity from an ideology that is not his own? Quite literally, people are getting value from the wrong place. People have become reflections of what society wants them to be. This is why society is breaking down. A collection of individuals creates society. But when there are no individuals, there isnt much of a society either. Creating more individuals is a step on the path to bringing people back together. Individuality can be formed when people recognize what they themselves believe in, not what something like a bumper sticker tells them to believe in. Therefore, this change must c ome from people. This is an issue about expression and identity. Something like outlawing bumper stickers wouldnt really do much good not to mention its not feasible either. No, this change will start with people looking inward for something to believe in, rather than outward for validation. When people look outward for validation, they are really looking for judgement; to be able to say that they fit in. However, if society was built by people who understand their personhood and believe in their own identity, they would be able to create their own society and thus eliminate the need to fit in. This in turn would stop people from expressing commercialized ideologies and would bring people closer together. The term express yourself might sound clichà ©, but it should be taken seriously. People just need to be themselves and understand who they really are. Creating a society of more individualized people is a solid foundation to start bringing people back together, but change probably wont be realized until people also change how they view others. People can have the same blood, brains, and emotions, but act hostile because they have different thoughts and opinions. People think being an individual means embracing what makes you different from society. While this can be an empowering thought for some, it has created a tear in society. Individuality should really lead to a path of connecting with others, not winning or losing or validation. Real personhood and individuality extends beyond valuing ones own opinions. Society cant come back together unless individuals are allowed to share their opinions without creating controversy. Works Cited Newhagen, John E., and Michael Ancell. The Expression of Emotion and Social Status in the Language of Bumper Stickers. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 14.3 (1995): 312-23. ProQuest. Web. 29 Nov. 2016. Case, Charles E. Bumper Stickers and Car Signs Ideology and Identity. Journal of Popular Culture 26.3 (1992): 107. ProQuest. Web. 29 Nov. 2016. Haussamen, Brock. PUNS, PUBLIC DISCOURSE AND POSTMODERNISM. Visible Language 31.1 (1997): 52. ProQuest. Web. 29 Nov. 2016. Lindemann, Hilde. Holding and Letting Go: The Social Practice of Personal Identities. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2014. Print. Haynsworth, Leslie. My Volvo, My Self: The (Largely Unintended) Existential Implications of Bumper Stickers. Fourth Genre 10.1 (2008): 21,34,200. ProQuest. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Tower Of London Essay -- essays research papers
The Tower of London The Tower of London, the oldest fortified palace in Europe, was built by William the Conqueror in the late 1000's. It has served as a fortress, prison, palace, and the final resting-place of many people ("Tower of London" Encarta 1). Its history is full of amazing and horrific stories of life and death. To truly appreciate this magnificent group of structures a look must be taken into its history through it's architecture, uses, and those held in the prisons and dungeons. The Tower Of London is not actually one tower, it is a group of 13 towers located on 7.5 hectares of land known as Tower Hill ("Tower of London" Encarta 1). To the south of the tower is the Thames Rivers, which used to feed a moat that was drained in 1830. The general shape of the tower is a square with two lines of defensive walls surrounding it. The outer wall is defended by six towers on the river face, and there are two semi-circular bastions at the northeast and northwest corners (Tower of London Virtual Tour 3). The original tower, also known as the White Tower, is flanked by four turrets (Encarta 1). By looking carefully at the architecture of the tower you can see the painstaking workmanship put into every little detail. The group of thirteen towers collectively known as the Tower of London has five areas, which are especially interesting. One such tower was...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Design Communication Manual.WCLR Widget developers and networking LTD Essay
Design Communication Manual Introduction WCLR Widget developers and networking LTD Going it solo            Many organizations are set with different aims and objectives that are achieved through effective coordination of all departments. These achievements are obtained when the company identifies its main business which is primary, secondary or tertiary. The main primary business of WCLR limited is to come up with widget developers groups with support and networking.            Communication refers to the process of transferring information in a given organization through the use of a medium (Lacar, 2011). This is very essential to a business organization if done efficiently and information understood by the receiver. A well planned overview of communication within an organizational department like HR is very important as it allows effective implementation of business responsibilities. This benefits the employees as they understand their responsibilities well through the communication department. Supervisors, managers and board of directors also benefits from such a plan as they also understand their roles and ensures effective running of the organization. Roles and responsibilities            In every organization, it is necessary for every stakeholder such as employees, supervisors and managers to understand their roles. This reduces confrontations as each team understands its responsibility. Employees are expected to play the following responsibilities:            Technical expert: it is the role of employees to ensure that they perform properly in their work. This implies that they use competencies and skills and perform their work according to goals, mission, goals and organizational expectations. Team players            They should work as a team. Their responsibility is to contribute to a successful team and fulfill their responsibility of attending meetings, participating in problem solving and decision making and organizational projects. Management            They have a role of managing different business aspects through managing processes that are assigned to them by the business. Developers            They have a responsibility of ensuring that they contribute towards the organizational growth in terms of profits. Supervisors’ roles in a business            Discipline: they are required to maintain a high level of discipline with the organizational staff. This prevents employees from engaging with prohibited activities and abides by the rules as outlined in the company handbook. Development            Being the intermediary between the management department and employees, he has a role of developing skills of employees. A supervisor is also required to determine employees who can perform the work of supervising in future. Peace maker            They have a responsibility of addressing conflicts and issues when they arise in the business. They are required to help the employees in conflict prevention from elevating them to executive or management level. Productivity            They have a responsibility of ensuring that there is maximum efficiency in the operations of the business. After being presented with the group production goals, they should determine better ways of achieving them. Day to day mission            Mission of a business which indicates the purpose, spells out organizational goals, guides in making decisions and providing a business path should be known to everybody. It should be clear and precise to ensure effective implementation. HR strategic planning            This refers to a process of establishing future and current HR needs that facilitates the business to achieve its objectives through organizing its resources. It links HRM to the overall organizational strategic plan. Process of strategic planning            This is a process that comprises of seven steps that are interrelated such as business units’ strategic establishment, organizational mission definition, planning marketing objectives, developing strategies for marketing, doing situational analysis, monitoring results and implementing tactics. This plan comprises of five steps: Determining your initial point through conducting an internal and external audit;            This gives a clear understanding of the competitive environment, marketplace and organizational competencies within the business.            Identifying the important things in the business through focusing on the point that business to be in due time. It gives the business a direction which clearly defines its mission such as customers, markets and products and its vision.            Define the set objectives that clearly show what business is expected to do to meet its priority issues.            Determine the person who is accountable to a given responsibility that will give the direction of the business. It strategizes on budgets and action plans for effective communication, human capital, time allocation and money for addressing priority issues and achieving the business objectives.            Review: its calls for regular formal reviews and refining the necessary processes at least a quarter once. Such a process of strategic planning is very important as it contributes towards organizational growth at a very high rate. Performance management            It refers to a systematic process used by an organization to involve its members and individuals in a group, its employees, in order to improve business effectiveness in accomplishing its goals and missions. This type of management should be one through preparing meetings, conducting performance appraisal among other management strategies. Effective performance helps the managers in the following areas and makes their work easy.Alignment of objectives and goals within the organization            It involves focusing the set goals to the targeted market and reducing utilization of physical and human resources to improve operations of the business.            Guidance through the mission of the company to managers based on the program of their performance management concerning their responsibilities.            Performance benchmark of individual work of the employees through evaluating their performance and the basis of any action and a decision made.            Pinpointing problems of performance: specific metrics used in a program of performance management allows managers to break down the performance. It also enhances pinpointing of problems and proper actions taken to solve them before getting to major issues.            Providing focused feedback: allow managers to participate in decision making and giving feedback to employees concerning achievement of their set objectives.  Legal responsibilities            This refers to a state of exercising legal responsibilities with competence and reasonable care with a lot of professionalism. In an organization, all members involved should carry out their responsibilities with due care. This regards the communication is done through posters and notices. All posters appearing in the business should be legal and put within the authorized areas and by authorized people. Staffing            This refers to the area where individuals are selected and trained for a given job function and charged with their responsibilities. This should be done in the business in case a post is left vacant or there need to increase the number of employees. Clear communication should be done through identifying the job description, advertising the post using the agreed medium of communication, inviting for applications. After all applications are received, applicants are shortlisted and an effective interview conducted. Organizational training for excellence            Training is done to improve the performance of the business, staff morale and profits gained when workers become effective and productive in their work. This training is beneficial to the workers in the following ways.            They get new skills, improve their business contribution and build their self-esteem.            Enhances their promotions within the business that improves their salaries. They acquire new skills to perform different and new tasks. They get a better view of the business as through training they see that business is valuing them through investing in their training. Training preparations            These preparations should be made earlier, and the information distributed in due time to avoid confusions. Through should be done through legal considerations, topics of training should be prepared in advance and the training resources distributed evenly.5 Appendix: model resources and documents            This is an area documents are required to be kept in an orderly and systematic manner. Business documents should be well recorded and kept minimizing wastage and loss of essential information. All heads of departments in the business should have a well kept table of documents which contains: business forms, checklists, policies and resources. This will lead to better management and effective utilization of resources.            Conclusively, communication should be enhanced in all departments within an organization. A well planned business with effective systems of communication leads to productivity which in turn leads to organizational growth. Regular training should also be recommended to ensure upkeep of employees’ skills and well implementation of their responsibilities. Managers and supervisors should also have an overview of their roles to ensure that they set a good example to their subordinates. References Basarab, D. J. (2011). Predictive evaluation ensuring training delivers business and organizational results. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Buckley, R., & Caple, J. (2009). The theory & practice of training (6th ed.). London: Kogan Page. Jenkins, H., & Ford, S. (2013). Spreadable media creating value and meaning in a networked culture. New York: New York University Press. Jha, S. (2010). The project manager’s communication toolkit. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. Paulet, E. (2009). Financial markets and the banking sector: roles and responsibilities in a global world. London: Pickering & Chatto. Thomas, J. (2013). A nurse’s survival guide to leadership and management on the ward (2nd ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. Turner, T. (2012). One team on all levels: stories from Toyota team members (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press. Source document
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Civil Rights of Martin Luther King Jr. essays
The Civil Rights of Martin Luther King Jr. essays The life story of the civil rights patriot Martin Luther King Jr. started with his birth in Atlanta, Georgia in 1929. His father, Martin Luther King Sr. was a Baptist minister and preached for civil rights. When young Martin grew up, he knew he wanted to follow in his father footsteps and become a minister. In 1955, King was asked to lead a bus boycott in Montgomery. It started when Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. For one year, which the boycott lasted, he was arrested and jailed, repeatedly threatened, and his home was bombed. The boycott ended later that year when the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in public transportation in Alabama. This was his first victory in the civil rights movement. In the following year, he decided to move back to Atlanta to become co-pastor with his father. In 1963 he was back in Birmingham, Alabama, where he led a massive civil rights campaign, organizing drives for black voter registration, desegregation, and better education throughout the South. During that time he led the unforgettable March on Washington where he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech to millions of viewers across the nation. The next year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He went on to launch his first major northern campaign in Chicago. Black Baptists were there opposing him, and a mob of Ku Klux Klan members and Neo-Nazis met his marchers. With all that he had said and done, on April 3, 1983, he said: "I have been to the mountaintop and seen the promised land." Sadly, the following day he was shot to death in Memphis Tennessee. Nearly 500,000 of his loyal admirers attended his funeral. It was the end of his civil rights crusade. Prejudices always have and will always exist among people. The prejudices this nation faces now, and has faced for years is racial oppression and segregation. Martin Luther King had a dream. He didn't want people to be "judged by the col...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
President Rutherford B Hayes - Fast Facts
President Rutherford B Hayes - Fast Facts Rutherford B. Hayes (1822-1893) served as Americas nineteenth president between 1877 and 1881. Many believe that he won the election due to an unwritten deal called the Compromise of 1877 that officially pulled troops out of the south thereby ending Reconstruction in exchange for his getting the presidency. Here is a quick list of fast facts for Rutherford B Hayes. For more in depth information, you can also read the Rutherford B Hayes Biography Birth: October 4, 1822 Death: January 17, 1893 Term of Office: March 4, 1877-March 3, 1881 Number of Terms Elected: 1 Term First Lady: Lucy Ware Webb Rutherford B Hayes Quote: Abolish plutocracy if you would abolish poverty. Major Events While in Office: Compromise of 1877 (End of Reconstruction)Bland-Allison Act (1878)Pronounced the necessity of creating an American controlled canal in Panama (1880) States Entering Union While in Office: none Related Rutherford B Hayes Resources: These additional resources on Rutherford B Hayes can provide you with further information about the president and his times. Rutherford B Hayes BiographyTake a more in depth look at the nineteenth president of the United States through this biography. Youll learn about his childhood, family, early career, and the major events of his administration. Reconstruction EraAs the Civil War ended, the government was left with the job of mending the horrendous rift that had torn the nation apart. The programs of reconstruction were efforts to help achieve this goal. Top 10 Significant Presidential ElectionsRutherford B Hayes was involved in one of the top ten significant elections in American History. In 1876, he beat Samuel Tilden for the presidency when it was put into the House of Representatives. It is believed that through the Compromise of 1877, Hayes agreed to end Reconstruction and recall all troops from the South in exchange for the presidency Chart of Presidents and Vice PresidentsThis informative chart gives quick reference information on the presidents, vice-presidents, their terms of office, and their political parties. Other Presidential Fast Facts: Ulysses S GrantJames GarfieldList of American Presidents
Monday, November 4, 2019
Ethical Decision Making in Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethical Decision Making in Health Care - Essay Example A conflict in the application of these choices presents an ethical dilemma that requires an ethical decision-making. Moreover, different health care professionals, clinical health care professionals, and value systems apply variant techniques in an ethical decision making process. Ideally, ethicists Kenyon and Congress derive five significant components that aid in arriving at an ethical and cognitive decision .The five components include naming the dilemma, sorting the relevant issues, solving the problem, point of action, and the evaluation of the decision and subsequent reflection (CME Resource, 2011). Subject to the importance attached to the ethical decision making process, health professionals take time to gain the specific tools to aid in this objective that has life determining importance for the patients. Personally, I value passionate acts and human life that help me appreciate the philosophy of nursing practice. My personality plays the greatest significance in my worldvie w and philosophy of this profession. In fact, my free will to serve in this profession gives me the chance to value all aspects that relate to the nursing practice with the aim to make it better. My culture compels me to care for others, to value human life, and to respect the identity and confidentiality of others. I apply these aspects in analyzing the philosophy of nursing. My spiritual values accommodate respect for human life, passion, and compassion for all. These values are significant in shaping my nursing practice, since I apply them fully and relevantly in my duties with no exceptions. Ethics refers to the beliefs that a health care professional adopts in defining what amounts to moral and logical behavior in the nursing practice. Ethics generally forms the basic standards that an individual uses in making a professional decision. Morality, on the other hand, refers to the actual judgmental process or evaluation of an ethical decision making process. Morality relies on the cultural, social, or religious norms that a health care professional adopts (Ascension Health, 2012). Indeed, morality leads into customs or values used in the nursing profession by individual health care professionals. However, my personal values, philosophy, and worldview may conflict with my nursing obligation to practice. This is because these values may not comply with the internationally recognized health care standards. Notably, the nursing practice does not rely on personal values in dictating the ethical way of practice. For example, where a patient and a heath care professional have different spiritual or cultural values, conflicts are inevitable. This creates an ethical dilemma that will require well-defined tools to solve. Different people have different personalities, which largely contributes to ethical dilemmas. It is true that various morals and ethical dilemmas arise in course of ethical decision-making process as manifested by different personalities. An eth ical dilemma can arise where a patient refuses life support while his or her family seeks to have the health care professionals do everything to save the life of the patient. At the same time, an ethical dilemma can come up where a patient's family members want life support and any other
Saturday, November 2, 2019
W. L. Gore & Associates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
W. L. Gore & Associates - Essay Example That is to say, their work is not under scrutiny, consistent monitoring and evaluation. Rather it is done in more of assisting than supervisory manner (Lussier & Achua, 2013). In the case, the crucial information entails the use of sponsorship programs. New associates are assigned a sponsor, who has the mandate of mentoring a new staff with an aim of ensuring they are successful in their respective roles. The same applies for employees undertaking new roles in the organization. As a result of employing this approach, many of the executives demonstrate their natural leadership skills, knowledge and attain the necessary expertise (Lussier & Achua, 2013). Consequently, there is creation and maintenance of high quality relationships at W.L. Gore & Associates. The quality of followership at W.L. Gore & Associates could be attributed to the structure and policies embraced by the company. For instance, new associates are not bombarded with outrageous expectations. Rather, they have a sponsor to help them achieve the targets they themselves set meaning they can concentrate on their tasks with minimal pressure. Secondly, the atmosphere created by the company makes the employees feel as part and parcel of the organization, hence a sense of ownership (Lussier & Achua, 2013). By relaxing the structures of chain of commands, the executives have a space of working leading to an escalation in
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