Sunday, March 1, 2020
French Words Describing the Home (la Maison)
French Words Describing the Home (la Maison) The home is the center of French family life, so words identifying the house, furniture, and areas of the home are a part of everyday language for French people. Its important, then, to learn some of the most common words for furniture, house, and home in French. Where provided, click the links to hear how the word is pronounced in French. Ma Maison Starting with maison (house), as well as chez moi (my home), several words describe a house in French, from searching for a home to buying your abode and perhaps renovating it. la maison  housechez moi  at my house, my home, at homerà ©nover, remettre neuf renovate, refurbishconstruire, bà ¢tir une maison build a houseun architecte architectun agent immobilier a real estate agent, house agentacheter une maison to buy a houseune perquisition domiciliaire a house search Inside la Maison Once youre inside a French home, many French words describe its interior, from la cuisine (the kitcchen) to le bureau (the office).  lintà ©rieur insidearchitecte dintà ©rieur interior designerdà ©corateur dintà ©rieur home decoratorla pià ¨ce, la salle roomla cuisine kitchenla salle manger dining roomle bureau office, studyla salle de sà ©jour, le salon den, living roomla chambre, la chambre coucher  bedroomla salle de bain bathroom (does not include a toilet)la salle deau  shower roomles toilettes, les cabinets / le W-C (pronounced vay say) toilet / water closet (British)la salle de jeu playroomune domestique, une femme de chambre housemaidle sous-sol basementle grenier  atticla porte doorle couloir  hallun escalier stairway Furniture, Appliances, Equipment, and Home Furnishings A number of words can discribe les meubles (the furniture) you might use to make your house a home. les meubles  furnitureun meuble a piece of furniturele living living room  mobilier design designer furnituredes meubles en kit self-assembly furnitureun bureau  deskune imprimante  printerun ordinateur  computerordinateur portable, PC (pronounced pay say) portable laptop computerune à ©tagà ¨re  bookshelf, shelving unitune chaà ®ne stà ©rà ©o  stereoune affiche posterune peinture a paintingun canapà ©Ã‚  couchune chaise  chairun rideau  curtainune tà ©là ©vision, un tà ©là ©, un TV (pronounced tay vay)  televisionune armoire, un placard  closetun lit  bedun oreiller  pillowune commode  dresserun rà ©veil  alarm clockun bain, une baignoire  bathtubune douche  showerun lavabo  bathroom sinkune toilette  toiletune cuisinià ¨re  stoveun four  ovenun four micro-ondes  microwaveun rà ©frigà ©rateur refrigeratorun à ©vie  kitchen sinkune fenà ªtre  windowune lampe  lampune moquette  carpetun tapis  rugun miroir, une glace  mirrorun mur  wallle parquet, le sol  floorle plafond  ceiling une porte  doorune table  tableun tà ©là ©phone  telephone Outside a Maison Once youre comfortable with your homes interior, you might proceed  lextà ©rieur (outside), where you can use many words to describe the home in French.  lextà ©rieur outsideune garage garagela remise  calà ¨ches carriage house/coach housela maison dinvità ©s guest housele porche, la và ©randa porch, verandale balcon balconyle patio patioun auvent an awningune clà ´ture a fencele pergola a pergola (area covered with wooden timbers and climbing plants)le jardin yard, gardenun potager a vegetable gardenun jardin de fleurs a flower gardenun parterre a flower bedune jardinià ¨re a flower boxune fontaine a fountainbain doiseau a birdbathjardinier gardenerune allà ©e a drivewayune piscine en plein air / dà ©couverte  an outdoor swimming pool   le barbecue, le gril an outdoor grill
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